Times of the School Day

Every day is different at Moss Lane with lots of exciting things going on.  We offer a minimum of 32.5 hours each week.
A typical day might look something like this:


School Gates Open



Door to KS1 building opens and children are welcomed in by Senior Leadership & Class Teachers 




Gates closed, registration taken and school starts. All children should be in school by this time.

Slightly different routine for Reception in the Autumn Term




KS1 Playtime

We encourage healthy eating within the school, and each child receives a free piece of child fresh fruit or vegetables to eat at break time. Milk is avaliable free of charge for any child under 5. For over 5's you can pay for milk at a small cost via a company called CoolMilk.




Teaching, learning and fun








Teaching, learning and even more fun




Assembly (for years 1 & 2 only until the summer term)




Story time




Home time

Reception classes are collected from outside their classrooms. Parents wait on the playground and their child will be called by the teacher and dismissed.

KS1 are dismissed from the playground in set spaces. We request that parents remain back whilst classes come out so that staff can see their whole class and dismiss the children safely.


T. 01483 417214 E. info@moss-lane.surrey.sch.uk