

Message from our Wellbeing Leads

Our School motto is “Safe and Happy aiming High.” 

 This is the aim of our school vision by “Supporting everyone’s emotional wellbeing and mental health, so that they can be listened to, are happy together and ready to learn.”  


To complement this as part of our commitment to developing and supporting the mental health wellbeing of our children, staff and stakeholders, we have begun a journey to  towards  improving better mental health and well being for all. 


As a  a school  we have a mental health and well being team who meet regularly to help embed,  promote and develop  positive mental health and wellbeing across the school community.


 If you would like to know more  or need any extra support please call the school on 01483 417214 and speak to :- 

  • Mrs Abbott  (Headteacher, DSL, mental health first aider)
  • Miss Clare ( PHSE Lead,  mental health first aider) 
  • Ms Forbes Wood (SENDco,  HSLW)   
The main objectives of our whole school approach :-

We have been working on changing the long-term culture of a school, and embedding an ethos where mental health is regarded as the responsibility of all.  In our drive to do this we aim to :

  • Show a  commitment to promoting mental health as part of school life
  • Improve the emotional wellbeing of their staff and pupils
  • Ensure mental health problems are identified early and appropriate support provided
  • Offer provision and interventions that matches the needs of its pupils and staff
  • Engage the whole-school community in the importance of mental health awareness
  • Capture the views of parents, pupils and teachers on mental health issues


Mental Health First Aid

Our school has two trained Mental Health First Aider. This enables early identification and support if a child, family member or staff are beginning to display signs of anxiety or stress. Embedding Mental First Aid practice in school encourages people to talk more freely about mental health, promoting early intervention which enables recovery, reduces stigma and creates a positive culture.

The children learn how their brains work and how to recognise signs and symptoms of worry. They all have been taught techniques to look after their own mental health such as using the zones of regulation.

Making time to talk to speak with your child about how they are feeling is important, teaching them to name their feelings and strategies to understand their mental health.

Please click the following link to get more information:



To support the wellbeing of our staff, the school’s priorities are:

  • Language – to be mindful of the language we use to talk about mental health.
  • Communication – to encourage individuals to communicate their needs and concerns.
  • Relationships – to promote good relationships between staff, pupils and parents.
  • Kindness – to promote the importance of treating people as we would want to be treated ourselves.
  • Tolerance – for different ways people think and act, providing our goal of ensuring good outcomes for pupils is not affected.
  • Respect – for how a staff member might want to manage their own mental health or health, providing it does not impact on the safeguarding of pupils.
  • Harmony – to promote ways of being with each other, including times when opinions differ.
  • Equality – to ensure all staff having an equal right to wellbeing in the workplace.
  • Trust – to develop a supportive process in which staff can trust, for the continued wellbeing of staff.
  • Empowerment – to ensure staff members feel a part of the decisions which affect them.
  • Balance – to recognise the demands of workload on staff and to find ways to ensure a good balance over a school year between work that is necessary for good outcomes for pupils and time to enjoy when not at work. 
T. 01483 417214 E. info@moss-lane.surrey.sch.uk