


My name is Adam Boshoff and following 3 years as a parent governor at Moss Lane, I was appointed as Chair of the Governing Board in 2019. My youngest daughter followed in her sisters footsteps, starting at Moss Lane in 2019, and this awards me the opportunity to continue to see the school from the perspective of a parent as well as a governor.


We have a good Governing Board, with a range of experience and appropriate skills, from business, education and public service backgrounds. This expertise helps us both support and challenge the school leaders to make good decisions that will provide a safe, well managed and professional school in which your children will thrive socially and educationally.


As governors, our role is to be responsible for the strategic development of the school and to make sure the school fulfills all its statutory requirements. The daily routines of the school, and professional educational decisions are the responsibility of the Head Teacher and the staff.


In this section of the website you will find information about Moss Lane School’s Governing Body.  If you have anything specifically you wish to discuss, please do leave a note for me in the school office (where I have a ‘pigeon hole’ for communications) or email me on governors@moss-lane.surrey.sch.uk and I will get back to you.


Adam Boshoff

Chair of Governing Body

T. 01483 417214 E. info@moss-lane.surrey.sch.uk