Public Sector Equality Duty

Moss Lane School is a multi-cultural, multi-racial community school for 180 children. We believe that everyone in the school is of equal value and should have equal opportunities in school, the community and in life.

 Many people in our society are discriminated against and treated as if they are worth less than others because of their race, religion or language; because of their gender or sexuality; because of their class or because of a disability. This will not happen in our school.


People are individuals and therefore different. They have different needs and different contributions to make to the life of our school and of the community. The staff and governors for their part strive to give unconditional trust and ask of pupils that they endeavour to be honest and give respect to other people and their property. There may be times when the relationship between staff and a pupil breaks down. In such cases the school will give all the support it can to the pupil concerned and his or her parents even though redress to exclusion may be necessary.


Equal opportunities is not about treating everybody the same. It is about meeting people's individual needs and appreciating their individual strengths and gifts. We are all different and should all be equally valued. Everything that follows in this statement is to help everyone involved make Moss Lane  School a real Equal Opportunities and Inclusive school.

T. 01483 417214 E.