Koosa -After School Childcare Club

KOOSA Kids After School Club at Godalming Junior School, Godalming

KOOSA Kids After School Club at Godalming Junior School, provides  fun, active and affordable after school childcare.

Our after school club at Godalming Junior School is open from school finish until 6.00pm and is based from the library and canteen building. The after school club makes use of lots of excellent facilities and each day a selection of healthy and nutritious snacks will be made available. 

Godalming Junior children are collected by KOOSA from reception by a walking bus pick up service from Moss Lane School, the children will be collected from the reception. 

Facilities include: 

  • Canteen
  • School Hall
  • Large Playground

Ofsted Registration Number: EY472372  

Booking: You can book sessions by 6.00pm the working day before you need them or, if you require after school childcare on a more permanent basis, we can contract the days you require, guaranteeing your sessions on an ongoing basis. Call 01276 21884 for more information.


T. 01483 417214 E. info@moss-lane.surrey.sch.uk